Best Sleep of Your Life: Part Two!

How to get even MORE of the sleep you crave.

In case you missed the first installment of this 3-part series, click here to get all the helpful hacks to start sleeping better tonight!

Note: This email contains helpful links to connect you with some products and stuff I love. Everything you see pictured and linked are items I already own and rounded up just for this article. It’s all for YOU, my dear reader! Enjoy!


My Pillow Game Ain’t Full of Fluff

Yes, I’m one of those people.

I’m a Pillow Prude

(Funny aside: I started to write “pillow queen,” but a quick check on Urban Dictionary had me backspacing my way to happily rest with Pillow Prude.)

I sleep with a minimum of five pillows.

Before you roll your eyes and think I just get lost in a sea of pillows, know that each pillow has a purpose!

Not only am I intentional about how I start my day, but your girl is all about intentional pillow placement

For example, when I sleep on my back, I put pillows under my legs. Sometimes horizontal, sometimes vertical. This feels soooo good and delicious to my lower back.

Try it! Your chiropractor will be proud of you.


And for you side sleepers, check this out — I put a pillow:

  1. Between my knees (can’t stand that bone-to-bone feeling! Bleh!) to support my top leg and booty, which takes strain off my hip and IT band,

  2. Behind my back to support my entire back body,

  3. Under my top arm to add support and avoid shoulder strain,

  4. Beneath my head for neck alignment & support, and

  5. Over my eyes. I love love love my eye pillows!

That's me below — satin bonnet and all!

Yes, y’all. I even have pillows for my eyes.

One with a gentle strap to keep the pillow in place for whatever position I’m in.

Another one made of satin that feels extra relaxing when I lay on my back.

It’s seriously like having cool cucumbers placed on your eyes when you’re getting a facial—without the mess! 

The Science Behind Eye Pillow Magic

Allow me nerd out purely for your benefit.

Eye pillows are super fabulous for your sleep because they apply gentle pressure on your eyelids, which stimulates the vagus nerve (this is the main balancer of your parasympathetic nervous system—the “rest & digest” controller).

This sends calming messages down the back of your neck to your shoulders and chest, heart and stomach.

This little 4” x 9” pillow has been scientifically shown to lower your heart rate and regulate your mood. It puts your body and mind at rest, and allows you to enjoy your deepest sleep. 

I also love my eye pillow because it cuts out light, which sends a message to your brain: “Knock it off! Stop thinking! It’s time to be still."


Racing thoughts?

Your busy brain can be tamed with the simple technique of resting with an eye pillow on your eyelids for 10 minutes before bed. As the vagus nerve is stimulated, the mind becomes still with the received message to “Let go and relax, woman.”


Don’t Go Cheap on Your Sleep

My last note about pillows is all about quality.

I’m almost embarrassed to write how much I spent on my pillows.

But they feel soooo good.
Here’s my favorite pillow: The TEMPUR-pedic Symphony.


When we were dating my husband called it “a sack of potatoes,” and couldn’t believe I was taking it with me on an airplane.

(Yes, I take my pillow when I travel. It’s THAT good.)

Yet on that same trip, he was trying to escape the woefully inadequate hotel pillow and snag a corner of my delicious Symphony pillow.
(Maybe that’s why he married me...just after my pillows! LOL)

While I use my Symphony pillows to do all the body support, my favorite pillow for my head is the TEMPUR-Cloud.
It supports me wonderfully whether I’m choosing to sleep on my back or my side.
(I’m non-committal in that way. Your girl likes options!).


Bougie Bedding

Since 30% of your life is spent horizontal, make it a cozy place

In addition to fancy pillows, upgrade to some bedding that feels good on your skin. The sheets and blankets I use are breathable, 100% cotton. Think of them like those comfy yoga pants you’ve been wearing all through the pandemic.

I also made an investment and bought an organic Avocado mattress and topper. Best sleep money spent.


Earplugs. Get Some.

I sleep with them every night. Yup. EVERY night.

I’m a super-sensitive sleeper and the slightest noise can fully arouse me.
At first, I was worried about sleeping with them all. the. time.

Several sleep doctors assured me there is no harm in it. Plus, I’ve been using them consistently for over 10 years, and by now my body has a conditioned response to get sleepy even when I put them in!

BONUS: they’re great for drowning out the annoying white noise machine in your kid’s room!

Racing Thoughts? Feeling Anxious?
Get It Out.

This is my favorite part of my night routine.
I take 5 minutes to do two things: 

  1. Write 3-5 new things I’m grateful for, and

  2. Take a Brain Dump

If you can't fall asleep or if you wake up at 2am with a busy brain full of racing thoughts, this second step could be a very helpful strategy.

I briefly jot down: 

  • What I intend to feel tomorrow (e.g. excitement, EASE, freedom),

  • My top priorities of what I want to focus on (e.g. writing and sending this post), and

  • Any other lingering to-dos.

By physically putting the thoughts down on paper, the brain can r-e-l-a-x and stop worrying about “forgetting to remember to email the school that form.”


Sleep Meditations That Actually Work

Here are my favorite meditations for some really good sleep. You can find them all for free on the app Insight Timer

Yoga Nidra for Sleep by Jennifer Piercy
There’s a reason THIS track is the #1 most played meditation on the world’s #1 most popular meditation app: IT WORKS!

Compassionate Body Scan by Stephan Pende Wormland
His voice is relaxing and I love the technique. I know he starts at your feet, but I’ve never been awake to find out how it ends!

Yoga Nidra for Sleep & Rest by The StillPoint
Another highly effective yoga nidra meditation that I like to regularly throw in the mix.

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Affirmations by Jason Stephenson
This is a great track to listen to when you're winding down for the evening.
Your thoughts create your reality, so let's think on something fabulous!

I’ll be honest, I was hesitant to share the sleep app meditations because I’m a proponent of keeping my phone out of the bedroom.

Studies find that having your cell phone next to you at night can change your sleep structure and affect REM sleep. 

Science aside, I keep my phone out of my bedroom because it’s too damn tempting to just grab and start reading, Googling, scrolling, and messaging!

The Social Dilemma ‘ish is REAL!

When I’ve taken my phone to bed with me I ditch all the great tips I just shared, and before I know it it’s 11:30pm and my subsequent sleep sucks!

My solution: I listen to the bedtime meditations in my living room, or
I have my husband to hurl my phone across the room when I’ve listened to fall asleep!


This is the end of Best Sleep of Your Life Part 2.

Try some hacks tonight!

When you wake-up refreshed in the morning, you will be so glad you did.

Future You says, "Thank you!"


PS. Reply to this email and tell me what you're going to do to start getting the Best Sleep of Your Life!


PPS. The 'ish gets real on Friday! Be sure to check your inbox to learn more magic sleep solutions like my go-to sleeping pill.


Thank you for reading!

Live well.


Best Sleep of Your Life

How to get the sleep you crave

Everyone knows that sleep is important.
But with so much to do, how do busy women ensure they get enough shut-eye? I’m sharing strategies I use to engineer the perfect night of sleep—even with small children, including a breastfeeding infant. You’ll want to read, because these are not your typical sleep hygiene recommendations to “go to bed early and at the same time every night.” Ha!

I’ve unpacked so much goodness from my boudoir I had to split it into a 3-part series! 

Use them tonight. Thank me in the morning. 

Sleep is my drug. And my magic beauty potion. 

After four years in the military—in food service, no less—I have an attitude towards sleep that’s like the appreciation you gain for oxygen after too long at the bottom of a swimming pool: I will do anything for it.

This doesn’t mean that I’m particularly good at sleeping, however.

I’m highly prone to insomnia and used to find myself staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m. doing the dreaded “sleep math,” working out how many hours I could get if I just went to sleep right now.

Most busy gals I know feel the same.

So if you’ve ever slogged through the day more like an irritable, bitchy zombie and less like the high-performing woman you are — then try some of my Best Sleep of Your Life hacks tonight.

Note: This email contains links. No, they’re not monetized affiliate links, just helpful links to connect you with some products and stuff I love. Everything you see pictured and linked are items I already own and rounded up just for this article.

It’s all for YOU, my dear reader! Enjoy!


Best Sleep of Your Life: Part 1

Red Light Special

Not that kind of special! I am referring to how I use red light to filter out the insomnia-inducing, sleep-crushing blue light.

By now we all know that the blue light emitted from our televisions, phones, and computers disrupts our brain’s sleep-wake cycle (and if you didn’t know, like how I just told you?! Sorry, the teacher in me can’t stop!). The typical advice is to “turn off devices one hour before bedtime.”

How’s that working out? I think we follow that just as diligently as we adhere to the advice to “get 150 minutes of exercise each week.” Crickets.

I’m not into giving advice that almost no one—including myself—is going to adhere to, but instead, I’m here to offer helpful and realistic solutions. After my children are in bed, that’s my time to:


  • Watch a basketball game or catch up on my favorite television shows (black’ish and Equalizer, in case you’re curious),

  • Respond to my mom-group threads,

  • Listen to podcasts (loving Revolutionary Rising and hello seven),

  • Unwind with some yin yoga on YouTube, or

  • Listen to my beloved meditations on Insight Timer.


When using my phone, the app Twilight blocks the blue and allows me to use my device without compromising my ability to fall asleep later. (For you iPhone users, I didn’t forget you. Check out the app f.lux.)

Twilight gives my device a red tint, which is actually beneficial! A study done on hamsters exposed to red light at night had significantly less evidence of depressive-like symptoms and changes in the brain linked to depression, compared to those that experienced blue or white light. See why I said it’s a red light special!


My “Sleep Saviors” 

My other hack is to rock these sexy glasses around the house at night, or when I watch television at night. They totally work! My glasses filter out the blue, green and white light.

When I don’t wear them, I find myself wide awake at 10pm, telling myself, “Oh I’m a night owl. THIS is when I work best.” Fallacy! My brain is simply overstimulated.


Grab Your Vibrator!

This time, I really mean that nooky reference. When it comes to getting sweet sleep, an orgasm can be a girl’s best sleep solution. THIS is your body’s natural sleep remedy.

When you have a Big O, you release a cocktail of hormones that helps you feel relaxed and sleep better. What’s the mixology of this magical sleep drink? A few stand-out ingredients are:


  • Endorphins (the body’s natural pain-killers!),

  • Vasopressin (counteracts stress),

  • Oxytocin (the cuddle hormone), and

  • Norepinephrine, and serotonin (promote REM sleep cycles to help you stay asleep).


Check out some great gecha-there-toys by Dame.

I love this company because it is run by women and they are exclusively for women’s sexual wellness. Plus, they use high-quality, medical-grade materials and their products are researched and engineered for a gal’s pleasure.


The Environment Matters

My sleep space is my sanctuary.


I use relaxing essential oils like lavender or a blend specific for sleep. I use the oils to diffuse for some aromatherapy, or as a spray to mist the air and on my pillow.

Another great way I use essential oils is to add them to a relaxing bath of epsom salts.

The key is to add 6-10 drops directly to the salts (about 2 cups) before putting them into the water. If you add the oils directly to the water they’ll just sit on the surface and you will not get to experience their full power.

Light some tea lights and voila! Your magnesium-filled epsom salt bath is a relaxing, meditative pre-sleep experience that soothes tired muscles and reduces stress.


For my fellow woo-woo peeps, I adorn my bedside with crystals. Here are just a few I own that are thought to support sleep: Amethyst,  Labradorite, Sodalite, Rose Quartz, Celestite, Selenite.

This is the end of Best Sleep of Your Life Part 1.

Sleep on what you just learned and be sure to check your inbox on Wednesday for more fun and sleep magic.


Thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this, please spread the love and share with someone else who could get some sleep!

(The NIH estimates approximately 100 million Americans encounter sleep issues, so surely you know someone who could benefit!)

I appreciate you!

Live well.

Gigi Gibbs

Prioritize YOU


Happy Wednesday! Or is it Tuesday? 

Between the quarantine and working from home, the days often seem to blend together and schedules can easily be lost. 

But as important as it is to make time for the things you need to do, it’s equally important to make time for the things you want to do. How? It starts by getting clear on your values and what's important to you.

Think about the things that make you happy and bring you joy. What is it that you need to do to feel at peace, energized, fulfilled, and connected? What fills your cup and feeds your soul?

Take a minute to write them down. Seriously. (I promise I’ll still be here when you get back ;) Go get out your journal, your notepad, or wherever it is that you keep your thoughts. Write down as many things as you can think of that help you to feel like yourself. The best version of yourself.

Now, look at your list. How many of them are you doing on a regular basis? The honest truth, if you don’t pencil it into your schedule, it’s probably not getting done. 

But Gigi, I KNOW that when I make time for my well-being and put myself first, everything else in my life benefits. So why don’t I do it more!? 

If this sounds like you, it might be time for a mindset shift.

I’m gonna hit you with some inspirational, professor-level knowledge.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” — Stephen Covey

Woah. Let that sink in for a moment. 

There’s a subtle, but significant difference between the two phrases. 

‘Prioritize what’s on your schedule’ implies that you already have a laundry list of tasks to complete and now you’re going through them and numbering them 1-10 based on relative importance and urgency.

‘Schedule your priorities’ implies that you have a blank slate and you first identify your goals and values. Then, you schedule the most important tasks that will help you carry out those goals. Sometimes, the hardest part of this is determining what is a priority

Here’s a little tip. 

When figuring out your priorities, think about which tasks contribute to what you need and want to accomplish and which things are crucial (to your mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, occupational, or financial well-being) or are time-sensitive. 

For me, empowering women to prioritize spaciousness for themselves, reclaim their time, and live the best version of their life is among my top priorities.

What are some of yours?


If you are ready to make a powerful shift and need support in prioritizing and making time for what’s important to you, book a complimentary Breakthrough Session. You'll get clear about where you are vs. where you want to be and we’ll explore some strategies to bridge that gap.

Live Well,


Choose Your Easy

“Build a business doing work I love that supports me having more time at home with my children.”

I wrote that down in a notebook a few years back and came across it again as I was cleaning up one day.


Facing the fact that I hadn’t realized this dream stung. Living the reality hurt even more. I did some digging, soul searching about what happened.

I discovered procrastination was at play.

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But Gigi, wait! You’re a high-performing, self-disciplined, over-achiever! How could this be you??

Well, it turns out that there's two kinds of procrastination. The first type includes examples like procrastinating on

  • a presentation one has to give next week,

  • a mid-term paper due for school,

  • filing taxes, or

  • a report that is due to a client or boss.

It’s important to note that these examples all have deadlines. And when there are deadlines, the effects of procrastination are contained to the short-term. This is because there's danger of public embarrassment, a career disaster, or some other scary consequence.

But there's a second kind of procrastination that happens in situations where there is no deadline: long-term procrastination.

So if one wants a career that requires a lot of discipline and being a self-starter—say, something in the arts or something entrepreneurial—there are no deadlines on those things. Plus, there are all kinds of important things outside of one’s career that don't involve any deadlines: seeing family, exercising and taking care of one’s health, working on a relationship, or getting out of a relationship that isn't working.

Now if the procrastinator's only mechanism of doing these hard things is some sort of external consequence, that's a problem. In all of these non-deadline situations, the negative consequences are not readily apparent. A person doesn’t feel the effects of “starting their new diet on Monday” or “waiting until next week to start writing that long-awaited book.” As a result, the effects of long-term procrastination are not contained.

They just extend outward forever.

And it's this long-term kind of procrastination that's much less visible and much less talked about than the short-term, deadline-based kind.

It's usually suffered quietly and privately. And it can be the source of a huge amount of long-term unhappiness and regrets.

It's the long-term procrastination has made one feel like a spectator, at times, in their own life. The frustration is not that they couldn't achieve their dreams; it's that they weren't even able to start chasing them.

Here’s the real: everyone is procrastinating on something in life.

While some people may have a healthier relationship with deadlines, remember: procrastination’s sneakiest trick is when the deadlines are not there.

Therefore, one needs to think about what they’re really procrastinating on, and then stay aware of the lure of instant gratification: to do what is easy and fun—especially when it means avoiding doing something that involves uncertainty, being vulnerable, and taking a risk.
Cue the distractions!

My challenge for all of us:

Sit with the discomfort of not going toward what you want vs. the discomfort of going toward what you want.

Go ahead. Choose your easy. Which ultimately leaves you feeling ease in your life?

As we close out the month of January, I want you to take another look at resolutions that you may have thought about at the top of the year. Chances are many of you have already forgotten them and moved on.

Researchers at the Dominican University in California found that
“25 percent of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after one week.” Further, 60% of people abandon them within six months. And to top it off, the average person makes the same New Year’s resolution ten separate times—without success.

My hope for you is that when you look up in December 2021, you’re not feeling the heaviness and disappointment of procrastination. My hope is that you are experiencing and living in the fullness of whatever it is you’ve envisioned for your career, your relationships, your body, and more.

So peep this out:
The research is clear: Resolutions don’t workGoals do.

  • A person is 42% more likely to achieve their goals just by writing them down

  • Committing to someone your goals ups your probability of success to 65%

  • For magic-making achievement: having a specific accountability appointment with someone you’ve committed your goals to comes with a 95% success rate.

So the best way to overcome that distressing long-term procrastination:
Write down what you want. Tell someone. Repeat.

Vulnerable share here.

My intention in 2021 is to grow my business so that I can realize my vision of serving and empowering people to live their best life while creating space to be the woman, mother and wife I desire.

So there it is. I’ve written it down. I’ve told ya’ll all my business and you’ll be hearing from me regularly.


If you are ready to make a powerful shift in getting unstuck and overcoming the effects of procrastination, book a complementary Breakthrough Session. You'll get clear about where you are vs. where you want to be and we’ll explore some strategies to bridge that gap.

P.S. Allow me to help you help yourself:

Download my Self-Care Assessment. Increase your awareness and get ideas about how to take care of YOU.

Gigi Gibbs

Food & Intimacy

“But food is how we’ve always bonded.”

My client whispered this realization as she reconciled her desire to improve her health and be happy in her marriage.

“We love spending time together and food has always played a central role:

Sharing the excitement of going to a new restaurant…A road trip to get a specialty dessert…The pride and joy I feel when I cook his favorite meals.”

She shared about the changes she wanted to make for her health, and the struggle she was facing with her husband—who could eat anything he wanted with seemingly no side effects (don’t we all know and loathe those people?!).

The focus on food, whether in relationship with others or ourselves, provides a distraction from underlying issues of trust and intimacy.

And no wonder. Food is fun. It makes us feel good. It’s not as emotionally messy. It doesn’t reject you. It’s simple. It’s safer. And best of all: We’re in control.

Our eating behaviors go beyond nutrition and simply alleviating hunger; family, friends, and religious and cultural heritage shape our food preferences. While food offering can be used to show affection to loved ones, the problem arises when food becomes a replacement for other support behaviors that come with intimacy

Some of the same parameters that enable us to break free from compulsive behavior—learning to stay in the present, valuing ourselves, setting healthy boundaries, giving ourselves a voice—enable us to be intimate with another person and ourselves.

Too often people approach losing weight or making changes in their health as though it’s something they can fix with the “perfect meal plan” or willpower to “just be more strict and disciplined with myself.”

Peep this out, y’all:

Diets don’t work. Food and weight are merely the symptoms, not the problems. The focus on weight provides a very convenient—and a culturally reinforced—DISTRACTION from the reasons why so many people use food when they aren’t even hungry (for food, anyways). These reasons are more complex than, and will never be solved with a strong will, counting calories, and exercise.

The reasons have to do with neglect of oneself, lack of trust, lack of love, grief, anger, being the object of discrimination, trauma, and protection from getting hurt again. 

Our patterns of eating were formed by early patterns of loving, therefore I believe it is necessary to understand and work with both food and love to feel satisfied with our relationship to either.

If you’re wanting to make any sort of changes or improvements in your health, I encourage you to first examine your relationship with food through the lens of intimacy.

Ask, are you ready to:

  • Commit yourself?

  • Tell the truth?

  • Trust yourself?

  • Laugh with ease?

  • Cry easily?

  • Be willing to fail?

  • Have patience?

  • Be vulnerable?

And most importantly, are you able to stay when it gets hard? Making a commitment to a way of eating or to a relationship is the same: the commitment is a way of living in the world. The commitment is to staying with yourself, not another person, not a diet plan.

My prayer for anyone (still!) reading is that you treat yourself with kindnessgentleness, and compassion. I hope you find intimacy with yourself, that you trust your intuition, and live your fullest, most liberated life.

Live well,

Gigi Gibbs

💥Your Superpower💥

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The impact of the Pandemic is real and tangible. Data shows that:

  • The quarantine-15 has caused waistbands to expand,

  • Alcohol sales are at record levels,

  • Use of anti-anxiety meds are up over 35%,

  • One third of Americans report being sleep deprived, and

  • 30% of partnered or married people said they’re more annoyed with their partner.

According to USC’s Understanding Coronavirus in America Study, women, especially working moms —are being disproportionately affected by Covid-19:

Just 19% of men — with and without kids — reported being at least mildly distressed, compared to 30% of women without kids and 34% of women who are moms.

I could go on but I’m not here to promote doom scrolling.

I’m about change.

It’s time to call it what it is AND DO SOMETHING.

Whatever your “New Normal” has come to look like, if it’s making you feel:

👋🏻 Short on Time for Yourself

👋🏼 Stressed & Fatigued

👋🏽 Unhealthy in Your Body

👋🏾 Irritable in Your Relationships

👋🏿 Guilt Laden

You don’t have to continue to live this way! You have a superpower.


You can choose to live differently.

I’m gonna get Oprah-sappy on you.

The Queen says, “Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning – one that leads you toward becoming the fullest human being you can be.”

In 2020, I’ve been confronted with my choices too.

During this Pandemic I’ve dealt with my own challenges:

  • Birthing a baby in my home with no family postpartum support

  • Healing my marriage

  • Growing my business and winning new contracts

Plus, in the wake of the Floyd murder, the college I teach for asked me to lead a Fall semester of Public Health & Social Justice class—complete with a brand-new textbook and curriculum that had to be recreated by someone.

Oh, and did I mention my 4 year-old has been at home? All day. Every. Single. Day. — With no childcare support.

Add to all that, my priority of maintaining my physical & mental health.

Given what I’ve learned and what I am purposed to do, I had to share.

I’m excited to empower women to prioritize spaciousness for themselves, reclaim their autonomy, and feel good in their bodies.

I’m about solutions, so here is an intentional choice you can make to create a new beginning:

My 21 Day Work-Life Happy Challenge

In 21 days I’m going to empower you to transform your relationship with work-life demands to become the best version of yourself—in all the different ways you show up (boss, employee, partner, mom, daughter, sister, etc.).

This Challenge Includes:

✨ Three Weekly Live Trainings to Empower You to Create Your Work-Life-Happy

✨ Worksheets to Track Progress & Solidify Positive Behavior Changes

✨ Access to a Private Group for Community, Social Support and Accountability


✨Completion Prizes!!! ✨

Y’all, this content is valued at over $450, but I’m a believer in health equity, so I’m making this group challenge available for only $97.

Choose now. This guided 21-Day Challenge Runs December 1st - 21st...right on time to start 2021 off with more joy!

Sign Up Here

Gigi Gibbs

Hey y’all! I’m baaaack! 😃

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Hey y’all!                                                 

I’m baaaack! I recently had a Baby Girl, and now I’m back to business.

Vulnerable share here: I’m creating my first-ever email list. Yay!

My purpose is to serve and connect. I’m here to infuse inboxes with a new paradigm of wellness.

I’m a different kind of health coach. I embrace and promote wholistic health.

Living is multi-faceted. Health does not exist within a vacuum of nutrition and fitness.

I explore the different ways that health & happiness intersect with one’s relationships, career, environment, finances, spirituality, and physical and mental well-being.

Health Equity is super important to me.

I believe everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health & happiness potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this promise.

Representation is long overdue. The wellness industry caters almost exclusively to white, wealthy people. It’s time for a fresh take. Or as my 4-year-old son Rondie says, “Mommy, let’s have a re-do.”

Authenticity is integral in my work. Not only do I aim to practice what I preach, but I believe it’s important to acknowledge and show real life living, which isn’t always pretty and curated.

I value evidence-based practices. What’s this? Quite-simply, shit that works.

I don’t waste my time (or yours!) with health fads.

Finally, the F-word. Health & happiness FUN! I’m going to show you it’s not all about restrictive eating and guilt-laden “shoulds.” Infusing the f-u-n is what keeps healthy, happy living practical and sustainable.

I’m ALL about creating a desired lifestyle that one can live consistently—everything else is temporary.

If this sounds like content you want delivered to your inbox each week, click here to subscribe.

Help, please. My aim is to connect with and empower women, especially women of color, with more health and happiness in their life so they can be the best version of themselves.

Please forward this to anyone you know that would benefit. Give them the opportunity to subscribe to all the juicy goodness coming!

**What’s Happening Now**

21-Day Work-Life Happy Challenge


Has the pandemic’s "new normal" left you feeling…

  • Short on Time

  • Stressed & Fatigued

  • Unhealthy

  • Irritable

  • Guilt-filled

Learn how to transform your relationship with work-life demands to become the best version of self.

For $97, this challenge Includes:

  • Three Weekly Live Trainings to Empower You to Create Your Work-Life-Happy

  • Worksheets to Track Progress & Solidify Positive Behavior Changes

  • Access to a Private Group for Community, Social Support and Accountability

  • Completion Prizes!!!

This guided 21-Day Challenge Runs December 1st - 21st...right on time to start 2021 off with more joy!

Join us! It’s time to prioritize spaciousness, autonomy and wellness with a whole-life approach to happiness and health!

Click here to register

Live well,


P.S. If you’re reading this and realizing you want a deeper dive into getting rid of the chaos while getting your health, happiness, and life aligned with your desires…we should talk! I have two spaces available in my 1:1 practice. Click here to schedule a call.

Gigi Gibbs