Hey y’all! I’m baaaack! 😃
/Hey y’all!
I’m baaaack! I recently had a Baby Girl, and now I’m back to business.
Vulnerable share here: I’m creating my first-ever email list. Yay!
My purpose is to serve and connect. I’m here to infuse inboxes with a new paradigm of wellness.
I’m a different kind of health coach. I embrace and promote wholistic health.
Living is multi-faceted. Health does not exist within a vacuum of nutrition and fitness.
I explore the different ways that health & happiness intersect with one’s relationships, career, environment, finances, spirituality, and physical and mental well-being.
Health Equity is super important to me.
I believe everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health & happiness potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this promise.
Representation is long overdue. The wellness industry caters almost exclusively to white, wealthy people. It’s time for a fresh take. Or as my 4-year-old son Rondie says, “Mommy, let’s have a re-do.”
Authenticity is integral in my work. Not only do I aim to practice what I preach, but I believe it’s important to acknowledge and show real life living, which isn’t always pretty and curated.
I value evidence-based practices. What’s this? Quite-simply, shit that works.
I don’t waste my time (or yours!) with health fads.
Finally, the F-word. Health & happiness FUN! I’m going to show you it’s not all about restrictive eating and guilt-laden “shoulds.” Infusing the f-u-n is what keeps healthy, happy living practical and sustainable.
I’m ALL about creating a desired lifestyle that one can live consistently—everything else is temporary.
If this sounds like content you want delivered to your inbox each week, click here to subscribe.
Help, please. My aim is to connect with and empower women, especially women of color, with more health and happiness in their life so they can be the best version of themselves.
Please forward this to anyone you know that would benefit. Give them the opportunity to subscribe to all the juicy goodness coming!
**What’s Happening Now**
21-Day Work-Life Happy Challenge
Has the pandemic’s "new normal" left you feeling…
Short on Time
Stressed & Fatigued
Learn how to transform your relationship with work-life demands to become the best version of self.
For $97, this challenge Includes:
Three Weekly Live Trainings to Empower You to Create Your Work-Life-Happy
Worksheets to Track Progress & Solidify Positive Behavior Changes
Access to a Private Group for Community, Social Support and Accountability
And...Completion Prizes!!!
This guided 21-Day Challenge Runs December 1st - 21st...right on time to start 2021 off with more joy!
Join us! It’s time to prioritize spaciousness, autonomy and wellness with a whole-life approach to happiness and health!
Live well,
P.S. If you’re reading this and realizing you want a deeper dive into getting rid of the chaos while getting your health, happiness, and life aligned with your desires…we should talk! I have two spaces available in my 1:1 practice. Click here to schedule a call.
Gigi Gibbs