Want More Peace & Freedom In Your Life? Read THIS
/One characteristic about a high-performing woman is she often carries far too much. She’s the ever reliable, get-it-done person at work. Her friends can always count on her, whether it’s to organize a shower or simply commiserate together. She is the nucleus for her entire family, managing everyone’s needs. Plus, she is often ready to lend a hand to support her community.
While holding space for so many often provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, it can leave her feeling overwhelmed and burned out. She is trapped in this cycle of going and doing, only to crash and soothe with vices like stress-eating and wine binges.
As a high-performing woman, you’ve probably had days (maybe even weeks, months, or a whole Pandemic) like this. You desperately want to stop feeling spread so thin, but the thought of not doing all that you do, is equally terrifying.
You think, “That annual report for work is way too important and I don’t want to risk someone on my team making a mistake.”
You tell yourself, “I’ll do all those forms for CCUSD’s school registration because my husband just won’t follow all the tedious instructions, and I can’t risk my child not getting their spot—or gasp!—missing the language immersion lottery!”
There are many roots to this thorny bush of “doing it all.” At her core, a high-performing woman is wired for excellence. Yet, this becomes a problem when high standards turns into perfectionism, and then she feels the only way to get the job done right is to do it all herself.
This mindset provides a sense of control and makes a woman feel like she has it all together, but it leads to resentment and exhaustion. Moreover, it stands squarely between her and the peace she craves.
This year I had to tame my inner-control-freak tell her to sit her behind down.
I delegated all the kid's covid-testing demands and after-care school registration stuff to my husband.
Do you know what happened?
The mundane—BUT IMPORTANT!—tasks got done without a hitch.
I didn't have to go back and re-do stuff.
I didn't get calls from the school.
My son didn't miss any school days due to botched testing or missing paperwork.
In fact, my son got a coveted after-care spot in a high-demand program.
There's more.
I freed up the mental capacity I need to write more and channel all my creative juices.
I got out of having to deal with the ornery after-care lady and the 15,000 steps required to submit her paperwork!
When one decides to create a life that fosters peace and freedom, it’s necessary to delegate.
Delegation gives back time and creates spaciousness for joy. It helps build trust, promotes collaboration, and improves communication.
With all this goodness to be had, it’s essential for a high-performing woman to start to delegate daily. What will you delegate today?
Hit reply and let me know where you can let go and let someone else do for you.
Don't know where to begin? Feeling overwhelmed just by the thought of pausing the high-powered bullet train of your life?
Click here to talk about it in a complementary breakthrough session. We'll discuss ways to create some more spaciousness and ease in your life.
Live well,
Gigi Gibbs