Prioritize YOU
/Happy Wednesday! Or is it Tuesday?
Between the quarantine and working from home, the days often seem to blend together and schedules can easily be lost.
But as important as it is to make time for the things you need to do, it’s equally important to make time for the things you want to do. How? It starts by getting clear on your values and what's important to you.
Think about the things that make you happy and bring you joy. What is it that you need to do to feel at peace, energized, fulfilled, and connected? What fills your cup and feeds your soul?
Take a minute to write them down. Seriously. (I promise I’ll still be here when you get back ;) Go get out your journal, your notepad, or wherever it is that you keep your thoughts. Write down as many things as you can think of that help you to feel like yourself. The best version of yourself.
Now, look at your list. How many of them are you doing on a regular basis? The honest truth, if you don’t pencil it into your schedule, it’s probably not getting done.
But Gigi, I KNOW that when I make time for my well-being and put myself first, everything else in my life benefits. So why don’t I do it more!?
If this sounds like you, it might be time for a mindset shift.
I’m gonna hit you with some inspirational, professor-level knowledge.
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” — Stephen Covey
Woah. Let that sink in for a moment.
There’s a subtle, but significant difference between the two phrases.
‘Prioritize what’s on your schedule’ implies that you already have a laundry list of tasks to complete and now you’re going through them and numbering them 1-10 based on relative importance and urgency.
‘Schedule your priorities’ implies that you have a blank slate and you first identify your goals and values. Then, you schedule the most important tasks that will help you carry out those goals. Sometimes, the hardest part of this is determining what is a priority.
Here’s a little tip.
When figuring out your priorities, think about which tasks contribute to what you need and want to accomplish and which things are crucial (to your mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, occupational, or financial well-being) or are time-sensitive.
For me, empowering women to prioritize spaciousness for themselves, reclaim their time, and live the best version of their life is among my top priorities.
What are some of yours?
If you are ready to make a powerful shift and need support in prioritizing and making time for what’s important to you, book a complimentary Breakthrough Session. You'll get clear about where you are vs. where you want to be and we’ll explore some strategies to bridge that gap.
Live Well,