Magazine Cover Feature!
Feeling super grateful and honored to be featured for the cover story of the magazine Culver City Neighbors!
Being interviewed for this story rekindled our relationship, which honestly had been s - t - r - e - s - s - e - d.
New baby + Pandemic = Aaaagggghhhhh!
Sharing our story, brought some laughs and fond memories.
My Pain is Your Gain
A great strategy I learned from relationship expert Marcia Berger that has helped us rebound like Wilt: Appreciation.
We've made a point to pause each week and take turns sharing 3-4 new things we appreciate about the other person.
This simple seven minute weekly exercise has helped shift our mindset and our marriage.
During the week I'll catch myself scanning for positive behaviors and making mental notes:
"Ahhh! Fixing my bathroom drain from all my hair clogs. I appreciate that. I gotta share that one with him."
"Buying all the groceries and putting them away . . . definitely grateful for you."
"Cleaning up child's vomit. THANK YOU! I appreciate you!"
This has been much more productive than bitching and stewing about how he "incorrectly" loaded the dishwasher.
Plus, it's nice to be on the receiving end of appreciation.
I've been pleasantly surprised by some of the "little" things he notices.
Your Turn:
Think about a relationship that could use a boost (child/parent, sibling, partner, roommate, co-worker/employee, etc.).
What is something you genuinely appreciate about them?
Tell them!
Repeat. (People don't get tired of hearing how fabulous they are to you.)
Hit reply and let me know, who is one person you plan to intentionally show appreciation towards this week?
Live well,