San Diego…

We’re excited to bring you a 28-Day Meditation Challenge!


This week we’ll look at how mindfulness supports your wellbeing and how to use meditation to support living more mindfully.

Education Videos:


Basics of Meditation

Meditations: Try a basic meditation to decrease feelings of overwhelm and stress, and increase feeling calmer.

3 min Meditation

5 min Meditation

10 min Meditation

15 min Meditation

Did you know that meditation has been proven to alleviate insomnia and shorten the amount of time it takes to fall asleep while lengthening sleep duration? This week we’ll look at how meditation can support you to have a better night’s rest.

Educational Video:

Sleep & Meditation

Meditations: Use these meditations at bedtime to help you fall (and stay!) asleep.

Yoga Nidra for Sleep

Body Scan Meditation

Meditation has been shown to improve relationships in a number of different ways. This week we’ll explore how meditation can positively impact how you relate to others.

Educational Video:

Relationships & Meditation

Meditations: Meditation provides the framework for better understanding ourselves, and better understanding our relationships to those around us. Give these meditations a try in order to support improving your relationships.

Relationships Meditation (10 min)

Loving Kindness Meditation (15 min)

Loving Kindness Meditation (20 min)

Research shows that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with a greater sense of happiness and well-being. This week we’ll dive into using meditation to support invoking more gratitude into our lives.

Educational Video

Gratitude & Meditation Education

Meditations: Use these gratitude

meditations to simply practice reflecting on the things in our lives we’re grateful for.

Gratitude Meditation (5 min)

Gratitude Meditation (10 min)

Gratitude Meditation (15 min)

Here’s how it works:

Each day you’ll get a text reminder to meditate.

You’ll simply answer “Yes” or “No” and if you meditated you’ll simply enter in the number of minutes you meditated.

Remember: Each day you meditate for a total of at least 5 minutes, you will receive an entry into the weekly raffle!

Each week will feature a short (~ 10 min) educational video and guided meditations, so you can start building and tracking your daily meditation habits.

Weekly Themes

  • Week 1: Basics of Mindfulness & Meditation

  • Week 2: Improving Your Sleep

  • Week 3: Relationships

  • Week 4: Appreciation & Gratitude

To track your progress:

Each day, you’ll receive a notification asking,
“Did you meditate today?”

Take this as a simple reminder to help you prioritize your physical and mental well-being.  

You’ll simply enter “Yes” or “No” and if you did, you’ll enter in how long you meditated.

It’s that simple.

Raffle Prizes

Each week there will be raffle drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card!

Here’s how you can earn raffle entries to win!

  • For every day that you meditate for at least 5 minutes, you’ll get an entry into the raffle.
    That’s 28 different raffle entries you can earn!

  • Any time you meditate for 7 consecutive days, you’ll get TWO entries into the raffle!
    That’s an additional 8 raffle entries you can earn throughout the challenge!

  • Each week will feature short educational videos about mindfulness & meditation.
    There will be a total of 5 videos, so that’s 5 additional raffle entries you can earn!


Do I have to use only the guided meditations provided by the Challenge?

No! Feel free to use any platform (e.g. Calm, Insight Timer, Headspace, Liberate) that supports you meditating daily.
You WILL need to track your meditation with the daily notifications in order to earn an entry into the raffle.
Be sure to answer “Yes” when the app asks “Did you meditate today?” and enter your total minutes meditated for the day.

What if I happen to skip a day…or two?

That’s okay! Get back into the Challenge by simply meditating for at least 5 minutes.
You can still accumulate daily raffle entries and restart at any time to try for 7 consecutive days.

Do I have to track anything for watching the short educational videos?

Nope! For the educational videos there is nothing you need to track or report. The system automatically enters you into the raffle whenever you watch an entire video.

What if I missed a weekly educational video?

You’ll get entered into the raffle for watching a video at any time during the challenge on/before the last day, Feb 6th, 2023. Each video earns you one entry into the raffle.

Other Questions?

Email: or

Note: Participation in the Meditation Challenge is optional and you must participate during off-work hours.